I’m sick of it, man. Sick of the corporate claws strangling everything, the algorithms deciding what lives and what dies, the endless ads for shit nobody needs. HOUDINI’s us taking it back. Culture by the people, for the people—DIY to the bone. No sponsors from some boardroom asshole here. We’re about bands, authors, artists, venues, events, websites, projects—shit that matters. Our audience trusts us ‘cause we don’t sell out, and when your banner’s up, that trust rubs off on you.
I started this thing back in 2023, just a website idea on Neocities, right? A little culture mag, maybe talk about some art, nothing fancy. But it grew. It fucking grew. We’ve been grinding, stacking up 325,000 unique visits, and then—bam—March 2025 hits. Massive overhaul. Months of me and the crew pouring our guts into it, redesigning every inch, thinking about the future of this project and now? Traffic’s spiking like crazy. This ain’t a hobby anymore, man. We’re pushing this from some underground whisper to a name everybody’s gonna know. HOUDINI’s a freight train now, and your banner’s jumping on while we’re still picking up speed.
You’re not selling to bots here. You’re reaching humans who’ll actually show up to your gig or buy your zine. That’s power you can’t fake. 325,000 unique visitors and climbing. Traffic’s been hot even before the overhaul, and now it’s on fire. No social media games, no “pay us to boost your post” nonsense.
Your 600x100 banner sits top and bottom of the main pages and at the top of our zine rack, links wherever you want. One month? $25. But if you’re feeling this, if you’re with us on this haul to rip culture out of the machine’s hands—6 months, $100. Two months free. That’s it. Old-school style, no preference, just refreshes hitting your ad fair and square.
We're Cheap and Loud: $25 for a month, $100 for 6 (2 free)—top and bottom banners on the homepage, top banner on the zine rack page, random rotation with no bias, old-school reach that works, reaching over 10,000 unique visitors a month.
We're Young Blood, With Real Eyes: HOUDINI Magazine hits hard with the under-30 crowd—tons under 25—on Neocities, not bots, actual humans who give a fuck.
No Corporate Bullshit: No corporate sellouts, just DIY culture—our audience trusts us, so they’ll trust your banner.
Audience Trust, Old School Style: Advertising with us isn’t like dropping $500 on YouTube pre-roll. Our audience wants to see your ad. Think 1998: you grab the local goth magazine, flip to the ads, and that’s where the culture lives. Bands bought ads in magazines for a reason—it’s where their people were.