Join the HOUDINI Discord!

The "From Velvet Room EP" Drops June 5th, to submit you just need to be a member of the Velvet Room discord, the only official server for HOUDINI!

Houdiniware Logo
HOUDINIware - Giga Groovy Games Launches May 18th
The plan is, May 18th (saturday), I'm dropping 6 games on the site, with 2 new games every Saturday after that. Like Nintendo's subscription service but 100% free and showcasing real hidden gems from working class creators. More details coming soon, so check back!

From the Velvet Room

Campus protestors, activists, journalists, do not forget your rights.

Send any tips, articles, anything you need broadcast to the masses to OR if time sensitive.
You will be directed to a Signal contact if needed.


HOUDINI Magazine is not affiliated with any political party, serving as neutral ground for submissions from various "left" publications and users.

Gen Z, Why does Palestine Matter to You?

I created a survey called "Gen Z, Why does Palestine Matter to You?". Single question/response, just a paragraph. I want to publish the responses on the site for historical record. Looking for responses from people who are 28 or younger. You can take the survey here.