1 Wicked Witch of the West Gaslight Chronicles Series 2 By striking a deal with the human elites to open the portal to Oz, she doomed her land in exchange for infinite power. Now there are forces that seek to revive her great evil.
2 Bl4ck.J4ck Cyber Gator Series 1 Common model enforcer gator, with an uncanny penchant for games of chance, they make for cheap and reliable Casino enforcers.
3 Slith Copperhead Cyber Gator Series 1 "A century ago my family ran these streets! Now I just run pizza."
4 Daniel "Dino" DeRidder Cyber Gator Series 1 "I've been running since 2047 buddy, you can't find a more experienced bootlegger in New Armstrong."
5 Amber Robicheaux Cyber Gator Series 1 "Being a model in this city gives you connections, its the pushing that brings you the money."
6 Dredger Fox Cyber Gator Series 1 "Not much left of Portland after the floods, why am I here? Call it the Acadia curse."
7 Abe Ape Cyber Gator Series 1 Look if there was ever someone to send to speak for us apes, it's Abe Ape. Nearly a century of cultural commentary contained in a Gator-enhanced gorilla body.
8 Mr. Undercroft Cyber Gator Series 3 ""You tag 'em, I'll bag 'em. No questions asked if you can pay the price. One for one. Just don't bring me someone too synthetic, I like to have organic playthings." "
9 Torso Bird Pixel Battlers Series 3 One of the few creatures to nest in the Algae Pines, these elditch Mothmanian creatures find refugee in the Pain Forests that dot the Ravenlands.
10 Frank Pixel Battlers Series 1 "I am malicious because I am miserable."
11 Slurm Wurm Pixel Battlers Series 2 There are stronger creatures, those that seek to feast on the fermented pods, do not get eaten twice.
12 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Pixel Battlers Series 3 Do not ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ it ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ horses stare ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ forever.
13 Blade Ghost Pixel Battlers Series 2 It attacks with a Tornado-like spin, harnessing spectral energy into it's dual blades.
14 Layla Mustafa Cyber Gator Series 2 "Working at the night clinic isn't easy work, but with the crime in this city, someone's got to do it."
15 Natasha Tekovi Cyber Gator Series 1 "High end cars, high end women, high end drugs, these cyber-celebs make great clients, especially if you're their agent."
16 Cone Djinn Pixel Battler Series 1 Commonly found in abandoned Gamestops and K-Marts, they do not grant wishes, only foresight.
17 Jacko Gaslight Chronicles Series 1 A semi-common enemy in the dank labyrinths of the city, often better ignored, lest you lost their piecing light.
18 Gourd Gaslight Chronicles Series 3 An adult Jacko, Gourds are prized when cultivated for their natural glow.
19 Skel #2 HOUDINI Series 3 As a wise gravedigger once said "What's old is free, what's free is good.
20 AK-47 HOUDINI Series 1 “We know that political power doesn’t flow from the sleeve of a dashiki. We know that political power flows from the barrel of a gun.” - Fred Hampton
21 Based Flaming Text HOUDINI Series 2 Uhh based? Uhh red pilled?
22 Two Hitter Quitter HOUDINI Series 2 "Say bro you finna pass that?"
23 Dracula Gaslight Chronicles Series 3 Fantomas' Black Hand gang seeks to dethrone Dracula from the comfort of his rule over New Gaslight's Night Life district. Fantomas however, has never faced down an immortal.
24 Fantomas Gaslight Chronicles Series 3 The entire city must be destroyed, brick by ill-gotten brick, Dracula is just the first target in the way.
25 Harry Houdini Gaslight Chronicles Series 3 A forgotten mission, given to him by a forgotten woman, a skeptic magician in a world of Magick. Can he lead Dracula's gang to victory?
26 Cowardly Lion Gaslight Chronicles Series 2 20 long years since the portal closed. 20 long years without Oz. Yet, time hasn't broken him. It remains to be seen if the city will.
27 Blood Baron Scrooge Gaslight Chronicles Series 2 From ophanages to musuem gallery, every class of New Gaslight is touched by his sanguine hands.
28 Zombie Face HOUDINI Series 2 You can get this one on a tee in the shop ya know.
29 Venus #1 HOUDINI Series 2 A beauty bereft of space and time.
30 Venus #2 HOUDINI Series 2 A beauty bereft of space and time.
31 Venus #3 HOUDINI Series 2 A beauty bereft of space and time.
33 Becca Becca Cyber Gator Series 1 "Keep your lights on, kid. There's a storm coming."
34 Krystal Jones Cyber Gator Series 2 "Unlike most of the drugs in this city, mine ain't cut with none of that crackerjack bullshit."
35 Houdini TV HOUDINI Series 3 Houdini.tv has a concept continues to haunt the site, yet the material conditions aren't quite there for it's success.
36 Water Escape HOUDINI Series 2 "The breath is weakest right before the ice breaks." - Harry Houdini
37 Louisianian HOUDINI Series 3 Out from the bayou, up from the slums.
38 Mr. Neck HOUDINI Series 2 Mr. Neck hates Mondays, what should be the start of a fresh week is reduced to office dredge.
39 Barker Gaslight Chronicles Series 1 It is possible to raise the dead, though it takes more than just Marrowmancy to do what Anubis does. To create a Barker, to reject death, to reject the crossing of river Styx, that takes a more powerful connection to the abyss.
40 Madonna and Child Pixel Painting Series 1 Madonna and Child with Saint Martina and Saint Agnes 1597 - 1599 by El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
41 Concert of Birds Pixel Painting Series 3 Concert of Birds - 1660 - 1670 by Circle of Jan van Kessel the Elder. Many of the birds depicted have been declared extinct.
42 Caligula Pixel Painting Series 1 I wonder what Caligula, with his famous orgy ships, would think of the decadence that is a cruise ship on a dying planet?
43 Egyptian Tablet Pixel Painting Series 2 Please note: No aliens were involved in the creation of this tablet.
44 Fantasy Scape Pixel Painting Series 1 The Voyage of Life: Youth, 1842 by Thomas Cole
45 Greek Bust Pixel Painting Series 2 Unknown artist, very vaporwave.
46 Embrace Pixel Painting Series 1 Der Kuss (The Kiss), 1921 by Lovis Corinth
47 Juggler Pixel Painting Series 2 Death as Juggler (Revolution) (Tod als Jongleur [Revolution]), 1918/1919 by Christian Rohlfs
48 Nude Pixel Painting Series 2 Repose, 1860 by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
49 Iris Pixel Painting Series 1 Still-Life with Iris 1623 by Peter Binoit
50 Watchers HOUDINI Series 1 Original Collage by Erik Houdini
51 Buster HOUDINI Series 1 It's the 2020s, if you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing. Call out the cowards, don't be a buster.
52 Dracula #2 HOUDINI Series 3 For a Nephren-Ka fashion designer, to be selected to design one of Dracula's outfits is considered one of the highest honors in the underworld.
53 Skel #3 HOUDINI Series 3 Use code NULL for 15% off at houdini.rip
54 Ra-Mah-Ka Staff Gaslight Chronicles Series 1 From the days of the Pharaoh, staffs like these have channeled the dark magick of the Abyss.
55 Smurf Gaslight Chronicles Series 2 These strange Djinn make home in the Pain Forests of the Ravenlands, tending to their Strider herds. They do not appear to have learned of fire however.
56 Strider Gaslight Chronicles Series 1 Commonly herded by Smurfs, these 2 legged herbivores feed on juices and nectars from the Algae Pines.
57 "Cross" Cyber Gator Series 1 "Doesn't matter how many Mangroves they plant, when the tide rises, this city will be washed away like all the rest."
58 $!r3n R3>< Cyber Gator Series 1 "Files aren't the only thing we move on the Crimson Web, but that's all I can say on this channel."
59 Aiko Musashi Cyber Gator Series 1 "The Triads will restore their seat at this city's buffet table. Trust, I'm not as forgiving as my father was."
60 Boogeyman Pixel Battlers Series 1 Summons powerful sigils to attack. Produces no shadow, even on the brightest days.