A Skeleton Appears!

Emboldened by curiosity, you reach out, your fingers closing around the cool, rusted iron of the gate. As you shake it, an awful chorus of creaks and groans shatters the heavy silence, reverberating across the desolate prairie. The gate remains steadfast, yet the echoes of your audacious disturbance ripple outwards, unsettling the tranquility of the forgotten estate.

From the dense, overgrown brush to the right, a response is stirred. The prickling sensation at the nape of your neck intensifies as the foliage rustles and parts, revealing a skeletal figure that stumbles into the open. This spectral apparition, remnants of a lost soul, emerges to the grating symphony of your intrusion.

The skeleton, bone-white and brittle, looks towards you, its hollow gaze chillingly empty. The sunken sockets, stripped of life, stare out across the distance separating you, a silent proclamation of a fate that might await intruders who disturb the mansion's slumber.

The skeletal figure, a grotesque sentinel awakened by your attempt to breach the barrier, stands eerily still amidst the rustling prairie grass. Your blood runs cold as you take in the sight, the whispering wind now carrying an ominous warning. Will you be the next lost soul claimed by Erik Houdini's haunted estate?

Player HP:10
Skeleton HP:5
The Skeleton is approaching! What do you do?