

Israel recently acknowledged a truly grave act. What occurred? What did they do? They fired apache helicopters into civilians attempting to escape from the Be'eri kibbutz attack on October 7th. Yes, that's correct, and they've admitted it. [1] As of now, this incident hasn't been covered by the US media, with Israeli reports only in Hebrew, and it's uncertain whether it will receive accurate coverage in the US if it's reported at all. This incident isn't the first suggestion that the attack being a more than a mere terrorist attack, which may I remind the audience has been the consistant justification for the genocidal assault on Gaza. Yasmin Porot an Israeli eye witness who survived Oct 7 as well as a released hostage of Hamas said the same thing on a now censored Israeli state radio interview that Israelis deliberately killed their own civilians.[2]

Consider for a moment Hannibal Doctrine, which instructs soldiers to fire heavily if a comrade is taken captive by the enemy, even at the risk of killing the captive soldier. Consider the well treated hostages that have been returned, and then further consider hostages that haven't been returned, including the prisoner exchanges that have been dismissed by Israel. Yet, the message in the mainstream media continues to be "We can't have a ceasefire until Hamas returns the hostages." Israel has no intention of receiving or extracting the hostages. The Hannibal Doctrine is just that, Doctrine. Israel's main goal is to complete this ethnic cleansing, secure Gaza and begin to profit on the land via mineral and fuel extraction contracts. The wolf cried to save the flock while slaughtering the sheep.

This pattern isn't new, as seen in the USS Liberty incident on June 8, 1967, where 34 American sailors were killed by an Israeli attack. Notably, this incident did not prompt a significant response from the United States government.

A communication to the Israeli ambassador on 10 June, by Secretary Rusk stated, among other things:

At the time of the attack, the USS Liberty was flying the American flag and its identification was clearly indicated in large white letters and numerals on its hull. ... Experience demonstrates that both the flag and the identification number of the vessel were readily visible from the air ... Accordingly, there is every reason to believe that the USS Liberty was identified, or at least her nationality determined, by Israeli aircraft approximately one hour before the attack. ... The subsequent attack by the torpedo boats, substantially after the vessel was or should have been identified by Israeli military forces, manifests the same reckless disregard for human life.

There is substantial evidence that the attack was an intentional attack in an effort to further involve the United States in the Six-Day War, perhaps even retribution for lack of support during said war. We also should consider the now-declassified plan that was Operation Northwoods. This operation would have seen CIA agents stage acts of terrorism against American military targets and civilians.

This is quite literally from a real, de-classified CIA document:

The desired result from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

Do you notice that very key phrasing here? place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba Let's hear that again, with our current conditions replacing the conditions of yore: place Israel in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Palestine

Reflect on the pervasive belief that because Palestinians elected Hamas, a group seen as their government, they are collectively accountable and thus deserving of severe military responses, including the use of white phosphorus, including the death of countless children, including genocide. Consider the consistent narrative of "Well if Palestinians would have voted for a government that wanted peace" you often see both in the mainstream media and online. suffering defensible grievances Also, ponder the narrative of self-defense, framing Israel's actions as a necessary response to a threat akin to a "9/11 moment," a defense against Hamas.

Let's connect the dots: Israel, with explicit support from the United States, has previously engaged in attacks on American troops, such as the USS Liberty incident, which elicited minimal response from the U.S. government, even to the extent of downplaying the attack. Additionally, there's the historical precedent of Operation Northwoods, a clear instance of a colonial power planning an 'inside job' to create a pretext for territorial expansion. This plan would have resulted in the tragic loss of lives of the very citizens the government claims to represent.

Therefore, these historical circumstances reveal an evident but unutterable reality, one that cannot be accurately reported by the media, neither in Israel nor in the dominant imperial nations. It's becoming more apparent that a significant number, possibly the majority, of the 1400 deaths were a result of Israeli actions, in a bid to accelerate apartheid to genocide. This acknowledgment by Israel compels us to confront harrowing possibilities, such as Apache Helicopters attacking a music festival. Such atrocities are beyond the grasp of individual understanding, yet they are starkly exposed.

It becomes impossible to ignore the unspoken reality, we are living in upon further critical thinking into the various illusions presented by the capitalist spectacle. Drawing from Plato's allegory, the world beyond the cave is starting to become visible through the cave's eroding cracks, revealing glimpses of what lies outside.

UPDATE (11/11/23): The 1400 number for Israeli casualities has been updated. Civilian deaths are closer to 800+. The revised 1200 count includes soldiers and police.
