Points: 0
Cable Combo: 0
TV gif TV frame Loading gif Static overlay

Welcome to GIF Channels!

GIF Channels is an art experiment, eventually, the links to the channel GIFs will die, and eventually there will be nothing but static, but for now, enjoy!

Here's how to play:

  • Change the channel to earn 1 point.
  • Your cable combo increases by 1 every 30 seconds of not changing the channel.

Pressing the "Channel Surf" button clears your cable combo. You have 15 seconds to channel surf, during which points awarded for changing the channel will match your cable combo (e.g., combo of 5 means 5 points per channel change).

Use points to buy items in the shop. Click once to purchase and click again to apply them!

Version: 0.9

Brick Wall 100 Points Brick Wall 301 100 Points Brick Wall 302 100 Points Brick Wall 303 200 Points Brick Wall 304 400 Points Brick Wall 305 500 Points Brick Wall 306 500 Points Brick Wall 307 600 Points Brick Wall 308 700 Points Brick Wall 309 700 Points Brick Wall 310 1000 Points Brick Wall 310 4000 Points Brick Wall 310 2500 Points Brick Wall 310 2500 Points
TV Frames TV Frame 0 - Default CRT TV Frame Nintendo DS Lite 50 - Nintendo DS Lite TV Frame Gameboy Advance 100 - Nintendo Gameboy Advance TV Frame HitClipz 250 - HitClipz TV Frame Ipod 400 - Original Apple iPod TV Frame Heart Gold Slots 500 - Nokia 3310 TV Frame Pokeetch 750 - Pokeetch TV Frame VMU 1000 - VMU TV Frame Picture Frame 2000 - Picture Frame TV Frame Dungeon Crawler 4000 - Ultima Underworld TV Frame Pipboy 5000 - Pipboy TV Frame Heart Gold Slots 7500 - Heartgold Japanese Slot Machine
Clock Fonts 12:34 3000 Points 12:34 Free 12:34 3000 Points 12:34 3000 Points 12:34 3000 Points 12:34 3000 Points
Remote Buttons 🠟🠝 - Default (0) ⇩⇧ - 25 Points ⁈⁉ - 50 Points ⋃⋂ - 100 Points ⍔⍍ - 300 Points ⌄⌃ - 350 Points ⎯⎯⎯⎯ - 1000 Points ⩤⩥ - 4000 Points 𒀭𒈠 - 5000 Points 𓂀𓆉 - 5500 Points ♜♛ 6000 Points ▾▴ - 650 Points
Point Charm Charm Default 8000 Points
Point Charm Styles Charm 1200 Points 1200 Points
Your progress password: [Not Set]